Pharmacists have many responsibilities and they must abide by a professional code of conduct. Any potential violation may be reported to the South Carolina Board of Pharmacy and it could lead to disciplinary action. Partnering up with a South Carolina pharmacist license defense lawyer in such instances will be one of the essentials to continue practicing.
Jeffcoat Criminal Defense Lawyers specializes in license defense for various individuals employed in the healthcare field, including pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. Depending on the specifics of the case, pharmacy technician license defense could be lengthy and complicated. This is why partnering up with a lawyer who has an extensive background in the field will be important.
Common Allegations and Charges for South Carolina Pharmacist License Defense Cases
The South Carolina Board of Pharmacy is responsible for ensuring ethical practices and adherence to certain standards in the field. For the purpose, just about everyone can file a report pertaining to misconduct.
While such reports are imperative for the identification of faulty practices, they could also target pharmacist who have not done anything wrong. Reports can be filed with the board for an array of reasons. A few of the most common abuses reported by South Carolina residents include:
- Criminal conduct
- The use of alcohol, the abuse of prescription medications or illegal drugs at one’s workplace
- Practicing beyond the scope of one’s license or competences
- Medical errors
- Fraud with prescriptions and the illegal sale of prescription medications
- Allowing someone who does not have the needed license to perform the responsibilities of a pharmacist
- Failing to maintain proper records
A person who files a report does not have to provide concrete evidence. Thus, it is possible for a pharmacist to be targeted even in the absence of violation proof. The work of the board involves carrying out a thorough investigation to determine whether a violation has occurred.
As soon as a report is filed, a pharmacist will be informed about it. This is the time when a pharmacy license defense attorney should be hired. Receiving state-certified pharmacy technician license defense from a South Carolina lawyer makes a lot more sense than attempting to tackle the task individually. After all, your professional license will be on the line. The repercussions in the case of a failure will be severe, and can include eventual license suspension.
Disciplinary Actions Imposed by the South Carolina Board of Pharmacy
Pharmacy license defense should never be taken lightly. Even if an allegation does not appear to be particularly serious at first, it could eventually lead to license suspension or revocation.
Based on the investigation that it has carried out, the board will determine what kind of disciplinary action (if any at all) is fitting to address the specific violation. Some of the most common disciplinary actions against pharmacists are:
- Public reprimand
- The payment of a hefty fine
- License suspension
- License revocation
- A referral to the South Carolina Recovering Professionals Program (RPP)
The final one will be recommended when there is enough evidence of alcoholism or drug abuse. After the completion of the program, a pharmacy technician may be given their license back. This is why working with the board towards a quick resolution happens to be so important.
What Does the South Carolina Pharmacist License Defense Process Entail?
Whenever a complaint is filed against a pharmacist, they will be contacted by a board investigator. The investigator will give the pharmacy technician a chance to respond to the allegations in a written form.
If you work in a pharmacy and you have found yourself in such a situation, the time is right to contact a pharmacist license defense lawyer. The lawyer will advise you about the best way to interact with the investigator. Otherwise, everything that you say could potentially be used against you. An investigator may say that they want to wrap things up quickly but this is not a reason to provide extensive information without having a consultation with a lawyer first.
Based on the investigation findings, the South Carolina Board of Pharmacy will determine whether the case is going to be dismissed or if a hearing is going to take place. The hearing is a step you will have to prepare for. A lot will be riding on your performance and the information that you provide the board with. If you are not convincing enough, you risk having your license revoked.
We understand that the procedure may be lengthy, confusing and threatening. This is why a pharmacy employee or owner should never go through it without help. Building a strong case is not just a matter of being convinced in one’s innocence. The success of the case also rides on having enough evidence and knowing how to present convincing information before the board.
Seek Legal Guidance from a Pharmacist License Defense Attorney in South Carolina
Obtaining the right education and the license to practice in South Carolina has taken you a lot of time. This is why you deserve to defend yourself and your reputation in the best possible way before the South Carolina Board of Pharmacy.
At Jeffcoat Criminal Defense Lawyers, we have pharmacy license defense attorneys that will be honored to guide you through the process. We have many years of experience and a rich practical background in the field of license protection. Based on this specialized knowledge, we are confident in our ability to prove your innocence to the board.
The South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (LLR) will never take allegations of misconduct or abuse lightly. When complaints are made, an investigation process will be triggered every single time. Even if you do not think that this type of investigation can impact your career, you should still talk to someone who has knowledge in the field.
To schedule your first free of charge consultation with Jeffcoat Criminal Defense Lawyers. This is your chance to ask questions about pharmacy license revocations and the situations in which those happen. During the conversation, you can also share information about the report that has been filed against you to get an adequate assessment about the potential of such a report being merited by the board.
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Jeffcoat Criminal Defense Lawyers
1333 Main St Suite 512, Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 200-2000
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