Professional License Defense Lawyers for Pharmacists in South Carolina
Pharmacist License Defense in South Carolina
Pharmacists, pharmacy techs, and pharmacy interns in South Carolina do their best to ensure that customers have an excellent experience and that all of the critical laws and procedures regarding pharmaceuticals are adhered to. Unfortunately, mistakes happen when people are under pressure and time restraints. All licensed pharmacists and pharmacy techs in South Carolina must follow the South Carolina Pharmacy Practice Act. The South Carolina Board of Pharmacy enforces this act, and any violation, even a technical one, could damage or even ruin your career.
Any patient, customer, co-worker, employer, or medical professional can file a complaint against you with the South Carolina Board of Pharmacy. Even if you have done nothing wrong at all, a complaint can be filed; and you can find yourself under investigation, with your livelihood at risk. Possible disciplinary actions include license suspension or revocation, heavy fines, public reprimand, and even criminal charges if the alleged offense warrants this action. Thus, it is essential that if you are a licensed pharmacist or pharmacy tech in SC, you must know your rights and be prepared to defend your license when a complaint is filed against you.
It is a mistake to ignore the situation. It may be tempting to avoid taking action, especially if you feel that you have done no wrong. Many professionals risk their careers on the assumption that if no wrong has been done, no punishment will follow. This could be a grave mistake, if you take no action to defend yourself against the claim of wrongdoing. The wisest course of action in such a situation, or in a situation where you have erred, is to seek a free consultation from a South Carolina Professional License Defense Attorney. You can discuss the unique details of your situation and determine what the options in front of you might be, with no obligation to hire the lawyer.
The most common complaints that people make against licensed pharmacists and pharmacy techs in South Carolina include practicing under the influence of drugs/alcohol, substance abuse/addiction, medication errors, prescription fraud, criminal conduct, failing to maintain proper records, allowing professional duties to be completed by unauthorized persons, and practicing beyond the scope of authorized practice. For these complaints, you could lose your license, have it suspended, be denied a license in the state, pay heavy fines, be publically reprimanded, or potentially face criminal charges.
South Carolina Pharmacy Board Complaint Response
Once someone has filed a complaint against you, you will be contacted by an investigator from the South Carolina LLR (Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulations). You should not comment on your case without first speaking to an attorney. The investigator will likely seem polite and interested in hearing your side of the story. He or she may indicate that they simply want to wrap up the case. Just keep in mind that they are working for the LLR and do not have your best interests at heart. When you speak with the professional license defense attorneys at the Jeffcoat Criminal Defense Lawyers, you’ll get experienced legal advice regarding what you can expect and what you should do next.
It can be stressful and frightening to face a complaint with the South Carolina Board of Pharmacy. Your career and financial well-being are at risk. It is important to have a lawyer in your corner. As soon as you discover that you are being investigated by the LLR, you need to contact a lawyer for a free consultation of your case. You don’t want to end up standing against the Board of Pharmacy alone.
Recovering Professional Program Referrals
In many cases where alcohol or drugs are involved in the complaint, the professional may be referred to the Recovering Professional Program (RPP). This will begin with an evaluation to determine your level of need for treatment and/or monitoring. The ultimate goal is to ensure that you can return to practice in a safe and legal way. An experienced pharmacist license defense attorney can guide you through this and offer advice.
Contact a Professional Pharmacist License Defense Attorney
If the South Carolina Board of Pharmacy is investigating a claim that was made against you, you should call the pharmacist license defense lawyers at the Jeffcoat Criminal Defense Lawyers right away to discuss your case and your options. The sooner you make the call, the better off you’ll be. Our pharmacist license defense lawyers defend professionals and their licenses when professional misconduct complaints and criminal allegations are made, and we’re here to help you with the best pharmacist license defense one can provide.
Visit Our Criminal Defense Law Firm Located in Columbia, SC
Jeffcoat Criminal Defense Lawyers
1333 Main St Suite 512, Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 200-2000
Open 24/7