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Engineer and Surveyor License Defense in SC

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Professional License Defense Attorneys for South Carolina Engineer License Defense

Engineer License Defense in SC

It takes a lot of hard work and investment to become a professional engineer or surveyor in South Carolina. A special license is also required, issued by the LLR. For some, this is their full-time career path; for others, it is a part-time way to achieve a longer term goal. Either way, your South Carolina Engineers License is essential to your goals, and you should defend your right to hold it if you are under investigation. Contact the engineer license defense attorneys at the Jeffcoat Criminal Defense Lawyers if you are under investigation, for a free consultation of your case.

Engineering and Surveyor License Defense Issues

Licensing Board Defense

Our engineer license defense attorneys at the Jeffcoat Criminal Defense Lawyers are prepared to defend your engineering license aggressively and to help you move through the process of dealing with the LLR.

Complaint/Investigation Response

When a complaint is filed against you, your license is at stake. An investigation will follow, and it may result in the suspension or revocation of your license. You should contact an attorney as soon as you become aware of an investigation.

Criminal Reporting Requirements

Any crime that occurs has to be reported to the proper authorities and to the licensing board. This could significantly impact your engineering license, and you will want experienced engineer license defense lawyers by your side through this difficult time.

Self-report Assistance

If you are in a situation where your employer or another advises that it would be wise to self-report an issue, then you can see help with this from the engineer license defense lawyers at the Jeffcoat Criminal Defense Lawyers. We will help you to create a self-report that is thorough and explains your situation effectively.

Application and Forms Review

If you have applied for a professional license in South Carolina, but you made mistakes, errors, or left out important information, then you may find that your license is delayed or denied. Our engineer license defense attorneys can help by reviewing these forms to ensure that you can receive your professional license as soon as possible.

Engineer License Defense Attorneys in SC

When criminal charges are filed, you may be fortunate enough to defend your innocence effectively. However, being found not guilty in a criminal trial does not affect whether or not the LLR will take disciplinary action against you. You could be found not guilty and still lose your professional license, if you don’t work with a qualified engineer license defense attorney.

Possible Disciplinary Actions of the LLR

The possible disciplinary actions of the LLR include the suspension or revocation of your professional license, probation, heavy fines, and/or public reprimand. All of these can be devastating to your reputation, your career, and your future. Contact the engineer license defense lawyers at Jeffcoat Criminal Defense Lawyers to get a free consultation, discuss your rights, and get professional advice on how best to proceed for the best possible outcome in your case.

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Our Locations

Jeffcoat Criminal Defense Lawyers

1333 Main St #512,
Columbia, SC 29201

(803) 200-2000

! NOTICE ! No Legal Advice Intended. This website includes general information about legal issues and developments in the law. Such materials are for informational purposes only and may not reflect the most current legal developments. These informational materials are not intended, and must not be taken, as legal advice on any particular set of facts or circumstances. You need to contact a lawyer licensed in your jurisdiction for advice on specific legal issues problems.

Jeffcoat Criminal Defense Lawyers, 1333 Main St Suite 512, Columbia, SC 29201

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