You spent numerous years in medical school because you have wanted to be a physician since you were a small child. After working hard and graduating at the top of your class, you finally earn your medical degree and license. After serving your time in a local Columbia, South Carolina hospital, you decide to open your own pediatric practice. Your practice grows over time, and you treat thousands of young patients in the ten years your office has been open.

During your 11th year of operation, a difficult case comes across your desk. You do everything you can and run every test possible to get to the bottom of the child’s illness. All the tests and blood work come back negative and you are confused as to what is causing the problem. The child ends up in the hospital and after a second and third opinion; a rare cancer diagnosis is the source of the problem. The child begins treatment, but loses the fight with the disease and dies. In their grief, the family decides to sue you for medical malpractice.

As a physician, you are heartbroken. One, because you also mourn the loss of your young patient, and two, because you may lose everything you have built over the years. What you decide to it is in your best interest to consult an experienced attorney to protect your professional medical license. The thought of not being able to practice medicine is scary since it is all you have ever wanted to do. 

Columbia, South Carolina License Defense Attorney

Not sure if you should hire a license defense lawyer? Contact Jeffcoat Criminal Defense Lawyers today!

What Will I Face in My Columbia, South Carolina Professional License Defense Case?

It does not matter how hard you work in your Columbia, South Carolina medical practice; there are times when you will not be able to make everyone happy. You will always run the risk of someone wanting to file a complaint against you and the treatment you gave their child if the outcome is not what they expect. As a physician, you have to protect yourself, and your practice to make sure you do not lose out on the ability to practice medicine against accusations of wrongdoing.

What Does a Negligence Accusation Mean for My South Carolina Medical License?

In negligence cases, a plaintiff is stating that the defendant has a duty to behave and carry themselves in a manner that adheres to what a reasonable person would do. A negligence case contains the following elements:

  • You have a duty to provide care for the patient
  • You are in breach of the duty of providing care for your patient
  • It is alleged that your conduct is the cause of harm coming to the patient
  • Your actions directly led to harm coming to the patient, and you should have been able to see the patient was in jeopardy
  • As a result of your treatment, harm came to the patient

Medical cases are always hard to treat, and they are also difficult to defend when it comes to accusations of malpractice. As a Columbia, South Carolina doctor, a complaint against you will require you to go before the South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners for review. Even though you are sure you have done everything in your power to treat your patient to the best of your ability, you should seek the advice of an experienced license defense attorney to protect your rights and your practice.

Just because your patient’s parents file a complaint, it does not mean that you are the direct cause of the death of their child. You may not have done anything wrong, but you still have to understand your medical license is at risk. Schedule an appointment with an experienced license attorney in Columbia, South Carolina to make sure you do everything possible to keep your medical license. An attorney will discuss your case specifics with you and represent you if you decide you need legal representation.

How Can a Columbia, South Carolina License Defense Lawyer Help Me?

If you are a medical professional in Columbia, South Carolina facing medical malpractice charges or any other complaint, a skilled license defense attorney can help you defend yourself against the charges and protect your license. Any claims brought before the South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners will be subject to investigation, and you have the opportunity to speak with the board to share your version of the events. It is never a good idea for you to talk to the board without consulting with an attorney prior to the discussion. Again, you may have done nothing wrong, but your license is in jeopardy, and you want to have adequate representation.

The thought of losing your medical license can be stressful and terrifying. Not only do you have to worry about your family’s financial future, but you also worry about your patients. It took you a long time to earn your degree and build your practice from the ground up, do not jeopardize losing it due to unfounded accusations. Take the time to consult a license defense lawyer to protect your family, your finances, and your practice.  

If you decide not to hire a medical license defense attorney, you should at least seek their advice prior to your meeting with the South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners. A lawyer will be able to tell you what to expect during your meeting and provide suggestions on how you should handle the scheduled meeting.

Call Jeffcoat Criminal Defense Lawyers Today for Help with Your South Carolina License Defense

Contact Jeffcoat Criminal Defense Lawyers to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation regarding your professional license defense case. We have the knowledge and experience to help you protect your license and your medical practice. Let us work on your behalf to protect everything you have worked to build. Our office cares about you and the services you provide for the community. Call us today so we can begin work on protecting your practice and your license to practice medicine.