May 6, 2023 | Professional License Defense
Failed Drug Test Affecting Your Professional Nursing License
South Carolina Attorney for Failed Nursing Drug Test If you fail a pre-employment or random employment drug test, it could put you in the middle of an extremely long process that could end up costing you your medical license, nursing license, veterinarian license, dental hygienist… read more
April 20, 2023 | Criminal Law
DUI Conviction And Penalties In South Carolina
South Carolina DUI Conviction and Penalties Arrested for DUI? The penalties for a DUI conviction in South Carolina are harsh and the consequences recently changed on October 1, 2014 due to Emma’s Law. If you have been arrested for DUI, you should immediately seek the… read more
April 17, 2023 | Professional License Defense
Is a DUI Affecting Your Nursing License?
If you are a nurse in South Carolina and get arrested for a DUI, it doesn’t have to be a career-ending event. With that being said, a DUI conviction is dangerous and can have an impact on your employment, reputation, and nursing license. Additionally, if… read more
April 15, 2023 | Criminal Law
Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana in South Carolina
Marijuana use has increased significantly in South Carolina and across the country. For instance, a study published a few years ago in the journal, JAMA Psychiatry, reported that 9.5 percent of the adults who responded to a survey said they had used marijuana in the… read more
December 28, 2022 | Professional License Defense
What Can You Do to Avoid Losing Your Nursing License?
Avoid Losing Your Nursing License What can you do to ensure you do not lose your nursing license? One of the first things you should do is to call a South Carolina nursing license defense attorney near you. Here’s how you can actively prevent disciplinary… read more
December 12, 2022 | Professional License Defense
What Can I Do About a Reprimand on my South Carolina Nursing License?
South Carolina Board of Nursing Disciplinary Actions A reprimand on your South Carolina nursing license can damage your professional reputation and harm your ability to earn a living. If this is something that you are facing, we have been here before and we are here… read more
August 10, 2022 | Criminal Law
What Are the Penalties for Driving with a Suspended License in South Carolina?
What Can Happen if You Get Caught With Your 3rd Suspended License Offense? If you have been caught driving with a suspended license 3 or more times, the penalties may get more severe, as you could face up to $1,000.00 in fines and up to… read more
August 7, 2022 | Criminal Law
Is a DUI a Misdemeanor or a Felony in South Carolina?
While driving under the influence (DUI) in South Carolina is a serious offense; some people assume that a DUI conviction equals a felony on their record. This may not always be the case. Sometimes a DUI is a misdemeanor and sometimes a DUI is a… read more
November 21, 2018 | Criminal Law
What Are the Implications of a DUI in South Carolina?
If you are arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) in South Carolina, you may just expect to pay a fine. But, it is not as straightforward as that. A DUI can have ramifications on your life and your career. Below, we discuss the consequences of… read more
October 24, 2018 | Criminal Law
How Can a DUI in South Carolina Affect Your Job Prospects?
If you have been pulled over and read your Miranda rights before being taken to the station, you know how scary it is to be charged with driving under the influence (DUI) in South Carolina. But, did you know that a DUI conviction can have… read more